Christmas Services at St Andrew’s 2019

Sunday 8th December 4pm – Christmas in the Park – a CDFC event in which members from St Andrew’s will be taking part. Come and take part in a walking nativity, starting outside Stoney Royd on North Road, Sutton. Sunday 15th December 2.30pm – Messy Christmas – come along to Kildwick Parish Rooms for crafts, […]

Remembrance Sunday Service at St. Andrew’s.

Sunday 10th November

Remembrance Sunday Service at St. Andrew’s.
10.15 a.m. Short Communion Service
10.45 a.m. Service at the War Memorial.

The Kildwick Parish Library

Cataloguing the Kildwick library

Cataloguing the Kildwick library At the time of Rev. Brereton, in the early 20th century, the library was kept n a cupboard in the Church. However at some point the books were moved, and for many years they have been stored in far from ideal conditions in the attic above the vicarage garage.

St Andrew’s Church – a building for the future?

How can we secure a sustainable future for our wonderful and historic church building? It’s a question that members of St Andrew’s church have been grappling with for a long time. We love our church building, and we know that lots of other people do too. We want to make sure that our local community […]

St Andrew’s Church Building Working Group – Sept 2019

St Andrew’s Church Building Working Groupas you know, this group has been set up to consider how to secure a sustainable future for the church building and is being co-ordinated by Sue Booth, the diocesan Buildings for Mission officer. A number of you are already involved – many thanks. In order to accommodate Sue’s diary and other commitments, regular meetings over the summer have been arranged.

If you would like to get involved with this group and attend any of these meetings, please let Julie know in the first instance. Meetings will be on Thursdays at 1.30pm in the parish rooms on the following dates: 5th and 19th September.




Church and churchyard tidy up – Thurs 12th – 15th

It is time that we had a tidy up and cleaning inside and outside our church. The dates are Thursday 12th to Saturday 15th September from 10am to 12.30pm. There will a list in church to sign when you can help. If there is anyone who would like to help but doesn’t feel up to cleaning and gardening, assistance with refreshments for the workers would be very welcome!

Most of the cleaning equipment is provided for inside the church but feel free to bring some dusters. If you are going to work in the gardens, please bring some gardening tools. The more people who come the quicker it will be finished and our beautiful church will look pristine for the Heritage weekends!!

Further details from Lesley 01535 523291