Sunday, Easter Day, we resume services in our church buildings!

Easter Day

A joyful reminder that next Sunday, Easter Day, we resume services in our church buildings!

It will be lovely to see some of you in person next Sunday; I will be taking services at Bradley at 9.30 am and at Kildwick at 11 am, and the service at Cononley will be led by the Methodists.

At present and until different guidance is given, we will still be operating with our Covid-risk-mitigation measures (physical distancing, hand sanitising, mask-wearing, communion in one kind, no singing). Thankfully many (maybe most) of us have been vaccinated, and the evidence seems to be that this both reduces the risk of transmission (including asymptomatically) and the severity of the virus if it is contracted.

However, please do not feel any pressure to return to services until you feel ready to do so.


Easter flowers

If you would like to make a donation towards the lilies used to decorate St Andrew’s next Sunday, please contact  June Whitaker (01535 655320 or

After Easter Day

After Easter Day, the plan is to revert to the pre-pandemic service pattern. Here is a reminder of what that is. In the past on 5th Sundays we have had a joint service in one church, rotating venues. The next 5th Sunday will be in May; the Worship Team will consider how best to plan for this.

1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday
Kildwick 11am HC 9.30am HC Lay-led service 11am HC TBC
Cononley 11am Methodist-led service 11am HC 11am HC Lay-led service TBC
Bradley 9.30am HC No service 9.30am HC 9.30am HC TBC