St Andrew’s Kildwick opening update

For more information see Julie’s newsletter

Update on re-opening church buildings

Last Sunday 12th July, both St Mary’s and St Andrew’s opened for periods of private prayer (9.30am to 10.30am at St Mary’s, and 2pm to 4pm at St Andrew’s). There were 3 visitors to St Mary’s, and at least 23 to St Andrew’s. The format for visiting each place worked well, and seemed to be appreciated by those who came. They will be open at the same time this coming Sunday, 19th July. From Sunday 26th July, St John’s will also be open between 11am and 12 noon for private prayer. This is an important step in communicating to our communities that the Church is still alive and there for all. In Kildwick, the restarting of the church clock has been another audible sign that church buildings are gradually starting to be used again!

Re-opening church buildings for Sunday worship

At its meeting this week the PCC discussed the next stage of reopening for worship. We agreed that we want to hold worship services as soon as possible, commensurate with a proper assessment of the risks involved (which the buildings reopening working will consider at their meeting next week). At the same time, we’re aware that the situation remains fluid, and could change again. As we move towards the autumn and winter, it is possible (even likely) that there will be a resurgence of coronavirus. We may see a reimposition of some restrictions – or people may just feel less able or ready to come to church. So the PCC would like us to develop other ways of worshipping alongside working towards reopening buildings.