Mothering Sunday, Sunday 6th March

Mothering Sunday 6mar16

Dates for your diary in March, 2016

The Suffering Church: the injustice of persecution. TODAY we are thinking about the Suffering Church through the lens of Christians in Muslim majority counties. We warmly welcome visitors from St Paul’s Church, Manningham.

CMS/Jigsaw Kids Ministries Fundraising Coffee Morning. Thank you to everyone who supported this event which raised £914.25. An excellent result; well done.

Mothering Sunday, NEXT Sunday 6th March. Tell your family and friends about our special Family Communion service at 10am – with flowers for all and simnel cake.

Messy Church, 2.30pm Sunday 20th March. The next Messy Church will take place on Palm Sunday. For more information or to offer to help contact Lesley Hudson, 523291.

Lent Collection. This year our special collection during Lent will be in support of Water Aid. Please take a collecting box.

Stations of the Cross during Lent. During Lent there will be a service of Stations of the Cross each Friday at 12.30pm. The service lasts approx. 30 minutes. All are encouraged to attend at least once during Lent.

Spiritual Health Check for Lent. The Diocesan Spirituality Group has produced a leaflet to help people carry out a review of their life from a spiritual perspective. Copies are available in church or contact Robin, 633307.

Donations for Easter Lilies. If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of our Easter lilies please place it in the basket in church. Also, if you can help with decorating the church on Easter Eve please contact June Whitaker, 655320.