What’s on in the parish.. Sept – Nov 2014
Prayers for the Parish and World Church, 7.00pm NEXT Monday 22nd September in the church. After a brief time sharing issues for prayer, we will spend about ½ an hour offering our prayers, followed by a time of reflection and discussion combined with some refreshment. All welcome.
Prayers for the Parish and World Church, new day & time from September. Please note that from next month our monthly gathering for prayer will take place on the 4th Monday evening between 7.00pm and 8.00pm, usually in the Parish Rooms; in September it will take place in the church. It is hoped this new time will enable more people to come and share this time of prayer together.
Harvest Festival, Sunday 5th October. We will be celebrating harvest this year with a Family Communion at 10.00am. This year the collections at the morning services and the proceeds from the auction of produce will be in support of CMS and Jigsaw Kids Ministries.
Messy Church, 2.30pm Sunday 19th October. The next Messy Church will take place on Sunday 19th October. For more information or to offer to help contact Lesley Hudson, 523291.
Church & Churchyard Maintenance Days, Friday 24th & Saturday 25th October. These maintenance days are important times to carry out essential tasks around the church and churchyard. Can you spare an hour or two, please? More details to follow.
Vicar’s Stall at the St Andrew’s Fair, Saturday 29th November. Robin will be pleased to receive small gifts (guide price £5) from your holiday trip to sell on his stall at this year’s St Andrew’s Fair.
New Daylight Bible Reading Notes. Copies of the September – December issue of the Bible Reading Fellowship daily notes are available. If you don’t use such notes yet do think about doing so. Excellent value at only £4.25.
Prayers for people in need. To have someone prayed for by name in our parish prayers please contact Robin, 633307 or June Whitaker, 655320. Names will be included weekly for 8 weeks or monthly for 4 months; they will then be removed unless a further period of prayer is requested.
Follow the church on Twitter. You can follow St Andrew’s at @Kildwick1