How can we secure a sustainable future for our wonderful and historic church building?
How can we secure a sustainable future for our wonderful and historic church building? It’s a question that members of St Andrew’s church have been grappling with for a long time. We love our church building, and we know that lots of other people do too.
We want to make sure that our local community understands its challenges and has a chance to express their views and support.
So we’re currently delivering letters to 2000 local homes and businesses, explaining the situation and inviting responses.
You can read the letter here. And you can respond in one of several ways:
by emailing;
by completing the survey here;
by writing to us (details in the letter);
or by coming to one of the public meetings that will take place in church on Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm).
You can sponsor a slate for just £10.00 by:
- downloading and completing the sponsor form and sending it along with your cheque to the address on the form: Sponsor a Slate
- donating online via Give as you Live. Either include the message you wish to be included in the heritage book or email it separately to If you would like to be kept informed of the ‘Raising the Roof’ project, please check the box ‘I would like to receive emails from St Andrew’s Church Kildwick’ (we promise not to bombard your email inbox!). Please Gift Aid your donation if you are able.